Garlic, with its pungent aroma and distinct flavor, has been a staple ingredient in culinary traditions for centuries. But is garlic a vegetable? Unraveling the mystery behind this versatile kitchen...
Food associations
Is cucumber a Vegetable or a Fruit? Discover the Great Botanical Truth
Is cucumber a Vegetable or a Fruit? The debate continues to baffle many. While commonly thought of as vegetables due to their culinary use, botanically speaking, cucumbers are actually fruits. This...
Warming Foods: Boost Health & Energy
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the concept of warming foods holds significant importance in maintaining balance and promoting overall health. These warming foods are believed to...
Boost Energy with Cooling Foods: TCM’s Heat-Balancing Secret
Understanding the concept of cooling foods in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is essential for maintaining overall health. Incorporating cooling foods into your diet can help balance excess heat...
Energetic Properties of Food: Unlock the Energy Within!
Different foods have different energetic properties. These properties can affect our overall health and optimal health, both physically and emotionally. It is important to prioritize values such as...